Display Ads

Have you ever seen an AdWords ad
on your favorite news site or Gmail account and wondered how it got there?

It is a group of over one million websites, videos, and apps where your ads can appear. Sites in this network partner with Google to show relevant AdWords ads.

The Display Network (formerly the Content Network) is part of the Google Network. The Google Network is the name we give to any web page where AdWords ads can be displayed, including Google Search results and other parts of the Search Network.

Websites of this type are part of the Google Display Network. The Display Network consists of a number of partner websites that display AdWords ads, and certain Google websites (including Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube). Mobile sites and apps are also included in this network. When you show ads on the Display Network, you can reach a wide range of customers with a wide range of interests, choose the sites or pages to run your ads on, and engage users with eye-catching ad formats.

On the Display Network, you can more specifically choose where to show your ads. You can choose the page types or specific websites for your ads and the audiences to show your ads.

Engage users with eye-catching ad formats; On the Display Network, text, image, video, or rich media formats can be shown.

By Posting Display Advertising;

  • Selling more products and services
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Attracting customers
  • Increasing brand awareness