Digital PR

It is the use of internet tools, especially news sites, for public relations purposes.

DiGital PR; It is your use of internet tools such as social media, social bookmarking and sharing, search engine, blog, forum, especially news sites, for public relations purposes.

In addition to the communication with the audience you want to reach, the publication of press releases optimized for search engines with SEO, the dissemination of press releases through social media sites, the viralization of personal/corporate shares, the sharing of information about an institution, the talking about the brand, the tracking of brand innovations. Reaching large masses of publicity and announcements via e-mail in a short time, responding in emergencies, measuring positive and negative reactions to brand communication, Digital reputation management, encouraging word of mouth and word of mouse (!) communication and many other online activities. It is covered by PR.

We ensure that your advertisements are featured on at least 10 of the following 35 news sites and blogs. As it is known, as long as the news sites continue to exist, your accessibility will increase thanks to these news, but removing the news through legal means may prevent this situation. Get ready to take your place in Turkey's most prestigious and most read news sites.



News on at least 10 news sites (at least 5 headlines) with a website link and company information


News on at least 20 news sites (at least 5 to 10 headlines) with a website link and company information.


Including website link and company information and news + 100 thousand emailing designs on at least 20 news sites (at least 5 to 10 headlines)


News with website link and company information on at least 25 news sites (at least 5 to 10 headlines) + 100 thousand emailing designs included + 1 month social media management + 1 month SEO Gift